World Champion
8MR String of Pearls
Registration Number: 43168
Paint Sterile Mare
By: *VK* One Hundred Carat Diamond
Out Of: 8MR Dare to Invite
Owned By: Horsin' Around
Breeding Pedigree
- -
Current Health: 100.00%
Hoof Overgrowth: 0.00%
Illness: None
Injury: None
Age: 68.88 Years Old
Bred By: endless
Prior Owner: endless
Disciplined In: Racing
Bracket & Level: World Champion 15.00
Color: Yellow Dun Rabicano
Color DNA:
at/at C/ccr cch/cch D/D E/e F/f g/g k/k pa/pa z/z r/r Rb/rb
Pattern: Tovero
Pattern DNA:
To/to ov/ov Spl/spl sa/sa lp/lp
Genetic Disorder: Carrier
Major Conformation Fault: None
Special Trait: None
Potential | Achieved | |
Strength | 8 | 100.000% |
Intelligence | 5 | 100.000% |
Stamina | 7 | 100.000% |
Speed | 7 | 100.000% |
Movement | 6 | 100.000% |
Surefootedness | 7 | 100.000% |
Agility | 6 | 100.000% |
Conformation | 7 | |
Trainability | 6 | |
Temperament | 6 | |
Muscle Tone | 100% | 100.000% |
Condition | 100% | 100.000% |
Coat | 100% | 100.000% |
Best Horse In Show Wins: 48
Total Events: 205
Total Classes: 1207
Earnings: $13657392
Current Points: 0
Horses Defeated -
In Current Bracket: 0
In Career: 1534
Past Event Results
Events Entered
Owner Comments: