The Shivering Isles  -:-  ×Φ×  -:-  Ranch # 374  -:-  Champions Bred

Follow the road north of Bravil, taking a right at the fork in road and head out into the Niben Bay. There is a small boat that rests against the shore for visitors. After a short trip to the middle of the bay, you arrive at a strange island. Entirely fenced in, there are a variety of signs hanging around the place. Some with horses on them, a couple with goats, one with a llama. Others have nothing on them at all, just a blank sign of black or yellow.

Following the twisted path from the dock you soon arrive at a large marble gate. On the left everything is bright yellow and orange. A bright array of colours almost blindingly so. The right side is the opposite. Dark and drab, there are patches where it's almost sinister.

As you place your hand on the gate, a voice behind you freezes you in place.

"Well hello there. Come to visit the Sivering Isles have ye?"

Turning around slowly your eyes widen. Standing there is an old man, grey hair with a neatly trimmed white beard. His eyes are a startling bright orange, but it is his suit which catches you most off guard. One half is purple, while the other is orange.

"Er, yes." You manage to say, pondering your nearest exit. "I've come to see the horses of the Isles."

The old mans eyes light up. "The Isles? THE ISLES! They're a wonderful place to be, except when they are horrible. Then they are HORRIBLY WONDERFUL! Good for a visit! Or for an eternity."

Slowly you begin to inch to the right, hoping the old man starts rambling and forgets you're there. From the shadows, a cloaked figure emerges, a faint smile can be seen from under the hood.

"Come now Sheogorath, that is no way to treat our guests. You'll scare them off if you keep with your rambling." A feminine voice said. She turns her attention to you. "I'm sorry about him, he can be a little mad at times. If you'd like to see our horses, you are most welcome to."

Eyeing the two people before you, one mad and the other perfectly calm, you bite your lip as you make your decision. Rumour has it that the horses of the Isles are never forgotten...

-:- Our Stallions -:-

Name Breed Age For Stud
×Φ× Rorikstead Icelandic 24.64 Years Old Not For Stud
×Φ× Karthwasten Icelandic 23.44 Years Old Not For Stud

-:- Our Mares -:-

Name Breed Age Reproductive Status
×Φ× Hircine Icelandic 33.68 Years Old Not Bred
×Φ× Falkreath Icelandic 26.72 Years Old Not Bred
×Φ× Stonehills Icelandic 23.44 Years Old Not Bred

-:- Our Geldings -:-

Name Breed Age

-:- Our Colts & Fillies -:-

Name Breed Age Gender

-:- Our Horses For Sale -:-

Name Breed Age Gender Price